I can't get a piece of song out of my head.

An old, half forgotton tune from long before.

A couple of words looping through my head over and over, never getting to the next part.

Did I even ever know the next part?

I don't know. I don't even know who sang it.

If I spot an Idol on the road, maybe I can ask- usually they can pick out a tune from half remembered lines. That talent always amazes me. Tone deaf phrases are belted at them and like the old Mthree players they'll call up the song from memory and sing and dance it for you.

But that's how they eat, how they find shelter

Sometimes how they avoid trouble from others.

I guess if I was an Idol I'd remember lyrics better too.

I wouldn't even mind it if one of them couldn't remember the lyrics, just hearing something else would be so nice.

Something else to be in my head.

As it stands, all I hear is "Woah! there will be snacks, there will, there will be snacks!"

And to distract me from this?

The wind blows and a rusted metal sign taps against its post.

I could use a snack…

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