I found you…

Sifting through the wastes of … what was this? The Maul. That's what my father called it. "Come on son, we're going to The Maul"

It was one of those places, where you could find things. Buy things. It seemed like anything. Anything you wanted was there. But that was when I was younger, and I just wanted what I wanted. Now I'm older and I'm looking for what I need and The Maul is emptied, except for racks that once held clothing, bins that carried candies, and posters of the things that once were here, of things that people wanted… but only wanted.

Empty promises of wants fulfilled, still selling the idea that wants and needs are the same. I was about to leave, disgusted and empty-handed.

And then I found you.

Slim in design, easy to carry, touch screen, with on screen keyboard, camera, GPS, wireless- for whatever good those features do nowadays- and best of all, powered by your own solar.

And I'm giddy. I remember when every few years, the latest version of you would come out, and the lines that would form around blocks.

Like the lines nowadays, but happier. Because it was still for something that we only wanted.

I don't need you either- the wireless feeds sputter on and off of their own accord, the GPS sat system has been down for years. And when I see a group of strangers approaching, the last thing that I'm going to do is ask them to get together for a photo op.

But still, I'm giddy. Because I always wanted you. And hey, you won't take up any space, and I don't need to plug you into my own solar.

And I can write my thoughts out as I walk. Because maybe somebody, somehow will be able to pick up this feed. Maybe I'll connect with someone else out there- they'll read me, agree, argue, dismiss, laugh at, cry with, care for…

You are a want. Plastic and metal, from all-too-quickly fading science. But you make me hope.

I'm glad I found you.

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