BODY;ENCODING=QUOTED JENNIFER01101001.01110011.00100000.We keep moving. Only stopping when the van breaks down. I try to keep their spirits up, but this task is proving to be harder and harder, and usually unsuccessful. All of us have lost everything. All we have left, every piece of our lives exists in the van.01100001.01101110.01111001.01101111.01101110.01100101.Our old lives were already broken, but none of that should have mattered on our special night: Prom. We still held on to that one milestone in our lives, still trying for some sense of normalcy. 01100010.01101111.01110010.01100101.01100100.But that’s when everything fell apart. No prom, no school, no home. All gone. 01100101.01101110.01101111.01110101.01100111.01101000.And now… the nine of us travel on, after losing almost everything. We continue in the direction of our goal in the direction of our future. 01110100.01101111.00100000.01100100.01100101.01100011.01101111.01100100.01100101.We alone are resilient to the complete madness the rest of the world has become. We alone move forward, in search of our happy place. 01110100.01101000.01101001.01110011. END:VNOTE

I wish I could easily dismiss the feeling of being alone as simply a phase in life. But whatever age, we’re all feeling wary, untrusting of others.

Some days the signal is stronger than others- I’m receiving more feeds from the Teens as I walk toward where they drove. I’ve seen a sign or two of their presence- pieces of paper tacked onto telephone poles asking if anyone else is looking for the happy place.

I tag the posters with my webdress, maybe if someone else reads this, we can all help each other.


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