BODY;ENCODING=QUOTED. FRANKIE 01001001-00100111-01101101-This is weird. Our whole situation, not knowing where things are going, not knowing who’s on our side, not knowing when the next time we can eat, not knowing if we’ll survive the next day, its all just weird. I’ve never experienced anything like this before. 01110011-01101111-01110010-01110010-01111001-The closest I’ve come is when I was twelve and I made my mom go on the new roller coaster at FunFair and when I got to the front of the line, I started bawling. I remember I did not want to go on that roller coaster but my mom forced me onto it because I forced her to wait in line for 2 hours. “You can cry all you want Franklin, but we’re going on it!” God, my parents were awesome. 01101001-01110100-00100111-01110011-00100000-01100010-01100101-01100101-01101110-I would have never dreamt a year ago that I’d be living in a van with acquaintances from school, without a family, and without my parents, and without my bed, and without my baby blanket, and without my golden lab, and without my computer, and without my cell phone, and without my TV, and without my awesome movie collection. I just don’t get it. I’d like to get. I’d like someone to explain this all to me. 01100001-00100000-01110111-01101000-01101001-01101100-01100101-END:VNOTE

more notes are pouring in. They're like journals rather than messages. I wish I could connect with them. But their communication seems to be a one way stream. Like I thought mine were.

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