There was a scuffle in the morning that woke me.

The Teens were separating two of them from each other.

I thought better of taking the opportunity to introduce myself. I remained hidden and watched as they settled their dispute, packed their belongings and drove away.

Of course I shifted through their leavings, looking for some foodstuffs.

Instead I found this:


There are no more children or turkey dinners with the family or snowfalls. Or Sam. They are all gone. Gone to a place that can only be located by the boundless slopes of the inaccurate map in our dizzied minds and hearts. Sometimes these things appear before me, for a quick moment; a flash of a memory here, a hint of a recollection there…and I feel a sharp pain in my heart for all of us. For what we lost, for what we will never see or do.

I remember, most of all, one day in particular. It was one much like today, when Sam and I sought refuge in the dense woods. I remember how he had held my hand under the trees in my backyard, as the leaves tumbled like snow onto their heads and bodies. When it got too cold in the chilly breeze, he gave my his sweater. He asked me if I wanted to go inside. I said no.

Why had I not gone inside when he asked me to? When I felt cold?

I had stayed in his arms as long as I could, and felt his skin against mine and cherished every second of it. In my opinion, it is best to be in a place that is painfully cold in someone else’s arms than to be all alone somewhere where its comfortably warm.


It's easy to fear others

Difficult to remember that even for all the fighting and fear that we all have something shining.

I wish I had said Hello.

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